Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The goodness of God

Two and half years old. Shiny Black eyes. Curly Black hair. Tone of skin: Chocolate. But don't ever call her that. "I am not chocolate, I'm Hossana!" she would say. The taliban killed her father for preaching the gospel, in a drive-by shooting in Peshawar, Pakistan, just two days before she turned two.(I mentioned him in the post: of compassion of suicide bombings). Despite all that has happened to her family, this little girl sings. She sings the little chorus, "God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me". What has baffled the greatest of philosophers, God has revealed to this little girl: His goodness. For ages the world's greatest minds have debated, how could a good God allow so much pain in the world; since he can't so either He isn't good or he isn't the god we claim he is. But such questions don't perplex little children. They surely don't arise in Hossana's mind. I think its because a child's mind is pure. Unpolluted by the rubbish this world has to offer. Undefiled by man's sin, his passions, his lust, his arrogance. I think Hossana sees what Job, the most righteous man of his time, saw through his unjust suffering: No matter what the circumstances, God is always in control. He knows what He's doing. Our job: Only to trust Him for who He is: Our loving heavenly father, who has the whole world in His hand. And in times of pain, we need to learn from Hossana. We need to be singing, rather than weeping.Singing, "God is good, all the time".